The Yellow Pages Publishers Association (now the Yellow Pages Association) kept members up to date via a weekly online newsletter with a journalistic approach. Stories were short - no more than 500 words - and focused on industry news.
The American Society of Neuroradiology needed content for the patient information section of its Web site. The topic - an overview of a medical procedure - was somewhat complex and required input from medical professionals. Watermark Communications made sure the subject would be easily understood by the general public.
Each year RR Donnelley issues a progress report on its environmental, health and safety efforts. The report is a critical document from a company that makes a major impact on the environment, health and safety of people in the areas where it operates. Watermark Communications focused on making a complicated topic as simple as possible when editing the 2002-2003 report.
U.S. Cellular Corp. keeps its employees abreast of marketing campaigns through a semiweekly e-mail newsletter. The newsletter contains news in bullet-point form, with links to background information that is housed on the company's intranet. Watermark Communications created and distributed the publication to U.S. Cellular's Midwest region employees when the company needed interim assistance with the project.
Watermark Communications partnered with Ragan Communications to introduce a free monthly electronic newsletter, Nonprofit Communicators Update, which addressed the varied and unique challenges of communicators in not-for-profit settings. Watermark Communications wrote original copy and adapted content from other publications for use in NCU.