The American Orthopaedic Association was introducing a new event for up-and-coming doctors. This full-page print advertisement, which ran in a medical journal, uses an eye-catching image and compelling copy to tell readers about the event.
The American Orthopaedic Association was promoting its annual meeting to a sophisticated audience that is used to upscale accommodations. This oversized postcard marketed the destination and served as a "save the date" piece at the same time.
Insight Design Solutions was looking for a sell sheet that would help market its services to prospective clients. The concept showcased the company's services while employing language that conveyed the industry-specific focus that IDS wanted.
The International Center for Orthopaedic Education was trying to heighten awareness of its services. This print ad highlights the global nature of the program. Concise copy and snappy design maximized the space in this half-page ad.
Salon Kalena was moving, an event that often results in some dropoff in business. This flier was developed to address the potential concerns of - and barriers to usage for - salon customers. The lighthearted approach is in keeping with the salon owner's personality, and the bad puns are designed to elicit chuckles from customers who might otherwise have a negative reaction to
the change.